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Booker Washington Institute FM radio station (EL2BWI)

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Donation Total: $1.00


The Booker Washington Agricultural and Industrial Institute, Inc. (BWI) was established in A. D.  1929 as an agricultural and industrial institute to train middle-level technicians within the Republic of Liberia that will be self-reliant. Since the establishment, the Institution continues to uphold its mission and vision and has successfully graduated thousands of Liberians who are contributing significantly to the growth and development of Liberia and the world at large

BWI owned and operated EL2 BWI Radio Station which broadcasted within its surroundings and across the county. The EL2 BWI Radio was established in the 1960’s by students (the late Jonathan Redford and Tommy Rings) of the Electronics Department. The both late journalists were renounced broadcasters at the time. The station was established through the instrumentality of the Voice of America (VoA) and the ELWA Radio Station. The station operated with frequency of amplitude modulation (AM) until 1979. It was however closed due to technical reason. Since its closure, there has been series of initiatives towards the re-opening of the station but to no realization as yet.

Currently, there is a determined pursuit to the re-opening of the station that will serve as information distribution center for the institution as well as component of its marketing and educational promotional strategy.


The overarching goal of this project is to contribute to the making of BWI a Center of Excellence through information dissimilation that will give people access to the institution from around the country. It will provide a marketing channel for the programs of the Institution.

When the EL2 Radio Station/Tiger FM is re-opened to the institution and the public, it will serve as information dissimilation medium through which the institution can be reached by the public and the public can be reached by the institution. This process will create an environment that will allow students, parents, employees, stakeholders including the communities to receive information on the Institute. It is designed to create an environment where students of the Electronics Department will create interest in broadcasting and would even pursuit the field of journalism.

Project Description

The Institution has not been able in the past years to dissimilate information as adequately as possible. Information have been carried across the country by either print or electronics media which cost at times are prohibitive. The station was closed due to technical reason. The Institution intends to reopen the EL2 BWI Radio Station/Tiger FM to assist the Administration in reaching the public through this medium.