bwi-needs analysis

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Need Analysis – Booker Washington Institute, Kakata, Margibi County, Liberia

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Donation Total: $1.00

The BWI Tiger Class of 87-90 through the leadership of the president Mr. Michael Scott traveled to Liberia in March 2020 and visited the Booker Washington Institute campus. He and his vice president Ms. Kou Gbamore met with the principal of Booker Washington Institute, Mr. Harris F. Tarnue. The visit was mainly to do an assessment/need analysis of the various departments of the institution. We conveyed to the principal that it was the desire of the organization to undertake some meaningful projects at the institution. 

View photos from the trip here

Here are the details of the needs of departments:

School administration

  • The school is in need of forty (40) laptop computers for the Resource Center. The resource center is a newly constructed center for students to use to conduct research and other academic activities. 
  • The administration is in need of administrative materials: (papers, binders, ink, printers, copier, etc.)

Domestic Science Department (Formerly – Home Economics) 

  • According to the department head, Mr. Bernard, they are in need of the following instructional materials:
  • Blender
  • Gas Oven
  • Electric Oven
  • Mixer
  • Cutting board (Plastic/Wooden)
  • Shifting Dishes
  • Mixing Bowls
  • Electric Grinder
  • Manual Grinder
  • Knives
  • Plastic wraps
  • Aluminum foil
  • Kitchen wrap/napkins

***We are accepting donations for any of the items on the list.

General Building Construction Technology Department & Architecture Drafting & Design Technology Section

  • The architecture drafting & design section in dare need of laptop computers with CAD software capabilities to help students with modern architecture design.
  • The department classrooms are in a hazardous condition. The ceiling is falling with mold visibly seen. There is a need to remodel classrooms and instructional materials. 

Carpentry & Joinery Technology Section

  • The building trade area of the department is in need of a portable generator to power on their equipment during their instructional period. There is an acute electricity problem in Liberia.

Electronics Department

  • The electronics department is in need of modern instructional materials for technology training e.g. computers, routers, switches, books, software, etc.
  • Transmitter for the EL2BWI radio station. (This project is already been earmarked)

***Please donate generously to a worthy course.